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Determine the path of a defined file via brute force search of (optionally) the root directory.

Generalized file system utilities and operations customized for data structures. It was heavily influenced by the fs package:


file_find(pattern, root = Sys.getenv("HOME"))

helpr_path(..., ext = "")



ls_dir(dir = ".", regexp = NULL, all = FALSE, ...)

info_dir(dir = ".", ...)


file_ext(file) <- value


set_file_ext(file, ext)




character(1). The pattern as a regex.


The path of the root directory to start the highest level search.


Character vectors to construct paths, length == 1 values are recycled as appropriate too complete pasting. Alternatively, arguments passed to dir() (for ls_dir()).

ext, value

An optional extension to append to the generated path.


A regular expression, e.g. "[.]csv$", see the pattern argument to dir(). Files are collated according to "C" locale rules, so that they are ordered consistently with fs::dir_ls().


If TRUE hidden files are also returned.

file, x, dir

A file-system location, directory, or path. Vectorized paths are allowed where possible.


The path(s) containing the regular expression specified in pattern.


  • helpr_path(): Construct a path to a file.

  • as_helpr_path(): Coerce to a helpr_path object.

  • is.dir(): Test if location is a directory.

  • ls_dir(): List the directory contents.

  • info_dir(): Lists the directory contents similar to ls -l.

  • file_ext(): Extracts the file extension from a file path.

  • file_ext(file) <- value: Replaces an existing extension. See set_file_ext().

  • rm_file_ext(): Removes the file extension from a file path.

  • set_file_ext(): Replaces the existing file extension with ext. Extensions of length == 1 are recycled.

  • as_helpr_bytes(): Coerce to a helpr_bytes object.


# wrapper around `ls_dir()`
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
  file_find("Makefile", ".")
  file_find("myfile.txt", "..")
  unlink("myfile.txt", force = TRUE)
} # }
# paths
helpr_path("foo", "bar", "baz")    # no ext
#> foo/bar/baz

helpr_path("foo", "bar", "baz", ext = "zip")  # ext
#> foo/bar/

helpr_path("foo", letters[1:3], ext = "txt")  # recycled args
#> foo/a.txt foo/b.txt foo/c.txt 

# directories
#> add_class.html    calc_ccc.html     calc_qvalue-1.png calc_qvalue.html  
#> calc_ss.html      convert2df.html   create_form.html  cross_tab.html    
#> dater.html        diff_vecs.html    dots_list2.html   elements.html     
#> enrich_test.html  figures           index.html        

#>    add_class.html     calc_ccc.html calc_qvalue-1.png  calc_qvalue.html 
#>             FALSE             FALSE             FALSE             FALSE 
#>      calc_ss.html   convert2df.html  create_form.html    cross_tab.html 
#>             FALSE             FALSE             FALSE             FALSE 
#>        dater.html    diff_vecs.html   dots_list2.html     elements.html 
#>             FALSE             FALSE             FALSE             FALSE 
#>  enrich_test.html           figures        index.html 
#>             FALSE              TRUE             FALSE 

#> # A tibble: 15 × 9
#>    path              type       size permissions modified            user 
#>    <hlpr_pth>        <chr>   <hlpr_> <chr>       <dttm>              <chr>
#>  1 add_class.html    file      9.04K rw-r--r--   2024-12-12 00:25:06 runn…
#>  2 calc_ccc.html     file      9.43K rw-r--r--   2024-12-12 00:25:06 runn…
#>  3 calc_qvalue-1.png file    173.37K rw-r--r--   2024-12-12 00:25:06 runn…
#>  4 calc_qvalue.html  file      9.98K rw-r--r--   2024-12-12 00:25:07 runn…
#>  5 calc_ss.html      file      6.03K rw-r--r--   2024-12-12 00:25:07 runn…
#>  6 convert2df.html   file     11.96K rw-r--r--   2024-12-12 00:25:07 runn…
#>  7 create_form.html  file      10.6K rw-r--r--   2024-12-12 00:25:07 runn…
#>  8 cross_tab.html    file     13.22K rw-r--r--   2024-12-12 00:25:08 runn…
#>  9 dater.html        file      6.49K rw-r--r--   2024-12-12 00:25:08 runn…
#> 10 diff_vecs.html    file      9.09K rw-r--r--   2024-12-12 00:25:08 runn…
#> 11 dots_list2.html   file     11.95K rw-r--r--   2024-12-12 00:25:09 runn…
#> 12 elements.html     file     17.85K rw-r--r--   2024-12-12 00:25:09 runn…
#> 13 enrich_test.html  file     17.57K rw-r--r--   2024-12-12 00:25:09 runn…
#> 14 figures           direct…    224B rwxr-xr-x   2024-12-12 00:25:05 runn…
#> 15 index.html        file     18.12K rw-r--r--   2024-12-12 00:25:05 runn…
#> # ℹ 3 more variables: group <chr>, changed <dttm>, accessed <dttm>

# extensions
#> [1] "txt"

#> [1] "foo/bar"

set_file_ext("foo/bar.csv", "tsv")
#> foo/bar.tsv
set_file_ext(c("foo.txt", NA, "bar.csv"), "R")   # NAs unchanged & 'R' recycled
#> foo.R NA    bar.R 

x <- "foo.txt"
file_ext(x) <- "csv"
#> foo.csv