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  • Lack of reproducibility is a major obstacle for any large (or small) organization, especially those that deliver products that need an audit trail. Installing 3rd party packages from external repositories, or internal “between-release” development versions of packages, without version or commit tagging makes this near to impossible at scale.

  • Furthermore, installing a specific package version into a top-level environment can make that version the default for all other analyses performed in that environment.

  • lib_mode() attempts to solve these issues by creating an specific library location (i.e. lib.loc) into a specified directory at the top of the R library tree.

  • Defaults can be easily set via getOption("helpr_path").

  • Versions of packages can be installed to this location in a reproducible way (e.g. via the remotes package or via remotes::install_github() or remotes::install_version()), which can be scripted and reproduced accurately by subsequent analysts.

  • The examples below show:

    • how to use lib_mode()
    • how to toggle back-and-forth between modes
    • how to install to the default library mode location


Toggle lib_mode() ON/OFF

Library Mode usage requires a path specification of the desired library location via its path = argument. This can be anywhere on the file system that the user has privileges.

mylib <- "~/tmp-lib"
dir.create(mylib)     # must create a valid directory

#> [1] "/Users/runner/work/_temp/Library"                                         
#> [2] "/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.4-arm64/Resources/site-library"
#> [3] "/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.4-arm64/Resources/library"

lib_mode(mylib)  # activate; creates lib.loc location
#> ✓ Analysis mode: ON
#> ✓ Using: /Users/runner/tmp-lib/

#> [1] "/Users/runner/tmp-lib"                                                    
#> [2] "/Users/runner/work/_temp/Library"                                         
#> [3] "/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.4-arm64/Resources/site-library"
#> [4] "/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.4-arm64/Resources/library"

lib_mode(mylib)  # deactivate
#> ✓ Analysis mode: OFF

#> [1] "/Users/runner/work/_temp/Library"                                         
#> [2] "/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.4-arm64/Resources/site-library"
#> [3] "/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.4-arm64/Resources/library"

Install 3rd party packages in lib_mode()

For reproducibility, it is critical to install to a path using a specific package version, this can be accomplished via remotes::install_version() if installing a third-party package:

#> [1] '2.3.1'

#> ✓ Analysis mode: ON
#> ✓ Using: /Users/runner/tmp-lib/

# install old `here` and `spelling` versions
# by default installs to .libPaths()[1L]
install_version("here", version = "0.1", dependencies = FALSE,
                upgrade = FALSE, quiet = TRUE)
install_version("spelling", version = "1.1", dependencies = FALSE,
                upgrade = FALSE, quiet = TRUE)

#> [1] '1.1'

#> ✓ Analysis mode: OFF

Re-activating lib_mode()

The next time you activate “lib mode”, you will be notified that you are using a set of installed libraries (here and spelling):

#> ✓ Analysis mode: ON
#> ✓ Using: /Users/runner/tmp-lib/
#> • here     '0.1'
#> • spelling '1.1'

Using getOption("helpr_path")

Another option to use lib_mode() without arguments is to set the helpr_path option via options(helpr_path = "path/to/lib"). This can be set early in a script or in a setup chunk of an Rmarkdown. It is discouraged to set this option in an .Rprofile because it would not be portable across users and/or machines.

# uses the 'helpr_path' option set
options(helpr_path = mylib)
#> ✓ Analysis mode: ON
#> ✓ Using: /Users/runner/tmp-lib/
#> • here     '0.1'
#> • spelling '1.1'