A light-weight, dependency-free, application programming interface (API) to access system-level Git commands from within R
. Contains wrappers and defaults for common data science workflows as well as Zsh plugin aliases (see below). A generalized API syntax is also available. A system installation of Git is required.
If you run into any issues/problems with gitr
full documentation of the most recent release can be found at the pkgdown website. If the issue persists I encourage you to consult the issues page and, if appropriate, submit an issue and/or feature request.
Use at own risk 😺, however, PRs are encouraged for ideas that I’ve missed. The functionality contained in gitr
are heavily influenced by my personal data science workflows and may not suit all users. However, if you have an idea that would make the package better, more widely usable, and/or efficient, please submit an issue or pull request.
The easiest way to install gitr
is to install directly from CRAN:
Alternatively install the development version from GitHub:
To install a specific tagged release, use:
Here are some basic examples of the functionality grouped by common actions:
The Core Engine
(git("branch", "foo"))
#> Running git branch foo
#> $status
#> [1] 0
#> $stdout
#> [1] ""
#> $stderr
#> [1] ""
git("branch", "-av")$stdout |>
cat(sep = "\n")
#> Running git branch -av
#> foo dbca034 Re-build README.Rmd
#> * main dbca034 Re-build README.Rmd
#> remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/main
#> remotes/origin/bugfix-get-pr-sha ce27db7 Fix bug in get_pr_sha() (#11)
#> remotes/origin/gh-pages 334a885 Built site for gitr: 0.0.1@68b3652
#> remotes/origin/main dbca034 Re-build README.Rmd
#> remotes/origin/pkgdown-update 9466ecd wip
#> remotes/origin/prep-for-cran bb5a9bf Clean up URLs
#> remotes/origin/submit-cran 378ef59 Increment version number to 0.0.1
#> remotes/origin/update-pkgdown-new-look 0018001 Update GHAs
git("branch", "-D", "foo")$stdout
#> Running git branch -D foo
#> [1] "Deleted branch foo (was dbca034)."
get_commit_msgs(n = 3)
#> Running git log --format=%H -n 3
#> [[1]]
#> [1] "Re-build README.Rmd" ""
#> attr(,"sha")
#> [1] "dbca034"
#> attr(,"author")
#> [1] "stufield@users.noreply.github.com"
#> [[2]]
#> [1] "Remove rmarkdown footer for README and vignette"
#> [2] ""
#> attr(,"sha")
#> [1] "185ebb6"
#> attr(,"author")
#> [1] "stu.g.field@gmail.com"
#> [[3]]
#> [1] "Update DESCRIPTION with tidytemplate Needs" ""
#> attr(,"sha")
#> [1] "d6cbbb9"
#> attr(,"author")
#> [1] "stu.g.field@gmail.com"
#> Running git log --oneline --graph --decorate -n 5
#> * dbca034 (HEAD -> main, origin/main, origin/HEAD) Re-build README.Rmd
#> * 185ebb6 Remove rmarkdown footer for README and vignette
#> * d6cbbb9 Update DESCRIPTION with tidytemplate Needs
#> * 0ae6d0c New pkgdown tidy theme and bootstrap 5
#> * 9d669f2 Improve GHA triggers
#> Running git diff HEAD~2..HEAD~1
#> diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
#> index d45a1e8..d7d9d37 100644
#> --- a/Makefile
#> +++ b/Makefile
#> @@ -13,13 +13,12 @@ RSCRIPT = Rscript --vanilla
#> all: check clean
#> roxygen:
#> - @ $(RSCRIPT) \
#> - -e "devtools::document(roclets = c('rd', 'collate', 'namespace'))"
#> + @ $(RSCRIPT) -e "roxygen2::roxygenise()"
#> readme:
#> - @ echo "Rendering README.Rmd"
#> @ $(RSCRIPT) \
#> - -e "Sys.setenv(RSTUDIO_PANDOC='/Applications/RStudio.app/Contents/MacOS/pandoc')" \
#> + -e "Sys.setenv(RSTUDIO_PANDOC='/Applications/RStudio.app/Contents/Resources/app/quarto/bin/tools')" \
#> + -e "options(cli.width = 80L)" \
#> -e "rmarkdown::render('README.Rmd', quiet = TRUE)"
#> @ $(RM) README.html
#> @@ -45,11 +44,6 @@ check: build
#> @ cd ..;\
#> $(RCMD) check --no-manual $(PKGNAME)_$(PKGVERS).tar.gz
#> -install_deps:
#> - @ $(RSCRIPT) \
#> - -e "if (!requireNamespace('remotes')) install.packages('remotes')" \
#> - -e "remotes::install_deps(dependencies = TRUE)"
#> -
#> install:
#> @ R CMD INSTALL --use-vanilla --preclean --resave-data .
#> diff --git a/README.Rmd b/README.Rmd
#> index 11f2282..ca663a8 100644
#> --- a/README.Rmd
#> +++ b/README.Rmd
#> @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ ver <- paste0("https://img.shields.io/badge/Version-", ver,
#> "-success.svg?style=flat&logo=github")
#> ```
#> -# The `gitr` Package
#> +# gitr
#> <!-- badges: start -->
#> @@ -31,8 +31,6 @@ ver <- paste0("https://img.shields.io/badge/Version-", ver,
#> <!-- badges: end -->
#> -## Overview
#> -
#> A light-weight, dependency-free, application programming interface
#> (API) to access system-level [Git](https://git-scm.com/downloads) commands from within `R`.
#> Contains wrappers and defaults for common data science workflows as well as
#> @@ -379,8 +377,3 @@ Please note that this package package is released with
#> a [LICENSE](https://github.com/stufield/gitr/blob/main/LICENSE.md).
#> By using in this package you agree to abide by its terms.
#> -
#> -----------
#> -
#> -Created by [Rmarkdown](https://github.com/rstudio/rmarkdown)
#> -(v`r utils::packageVersion("rmarkdown")`) and `r R.version$version.string`.
#> diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
#> index 790d1e9..9eb5fd1 100644
#> --- a/README.md
#> +++ b/README.md
#> @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#> <!-- README.md is generated from README.Rmd. Please edit that file -->
#> -# The `gitr` Package
#> +# gitr
#> <!-- badges: start -->
#> @@ -19,8 +19,6 @@ stable](https://img.shields.io/badge/lifecycle-stable-brightgreen.svg)](https://
#> MIT](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-MIT-blue.svg)](https://choosealicense.com/licenses/mit/)
#> <!-- badges: end -->
#> -## Overview
#> -
#> A light-weight, dependency-free, application programming interface (API)
#> to access system-level [Git](https://git-scm.com/downloads) commands
#> from within `R`. Contains wrappers and defaults for common data science
#> @@ -83,7 +81,7 @@ actions:
#> ``` r
#> git_version()
#> -#> [1] "2.39.2"
#> +#> [1] "2.39.0"
#> ```
#> ``` r
#> @@ -113,16 +111,21 @@ git_default_br()
#> git("branch", "-av")$stdout |>
#> cat(sep = "\n")
#> #> Running git branch -av
#> -#> foo 90eaa95 Tweak README.Rmd
#> -#> * main 90eaa95 Tweak README.Rmd
#> -#> remotes/origin/gh-pages 16f3e84 Built site for gitr:
#> -#> remotes/origin/main 90eaa95 Tweak README.Rmd
#> -#> remotes/origin/prep-for-cran bb5a9bf Clean up URLs
#> -#> remotes/origin/submit-cran 378ef59 Increment version number to 0.0.1
#> +#> foo d6cbbb9 Update DESCRIPTION with tidytemplate Needs
#> +#> force-pkgdown 72ad53a wip
#> +#> * main d6cbbb9 Update DESCRIPTION with tidytemplate Needs
#> +#> remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/main
#> +#> remotes/origin/bugfix-get-pr-sha ce27db7 Fix bug in get_pr_sha() (#11)
#> +#> remotes/origin/force-pkgdown 72ad53a wip
#> +#> remotes/origin/gh-pages be5ce29 Built site for gitr: 0.0.1@dbedad6
#> +#> remotes/origin/main d6cbbb9 Update DESCRIPTION with tidytemplate Needs
#> +#> remotes/origin/prep-for-cran bb5a9bf Clean up URLs
#> +#> remotes/origin/submit-cran 378ef59 Increment version number to 0.0.1
#> +#> remotes/origin/update-pkgdown-new-look 0018001 Update GHAs
#> git("branch", "-D", "foo")$stdout
#> #> Running git branch -D foo
#> -#> [1] "Deleted branch foo (was 90eaa95)."
#> +#> [1] "Deleted branch foo (was d6cbbb9)."
#> ```
#> #### Committing
#> @@ -131,76 +134,80 @@ git("branch", "-D", "foo")$stdout
#> get_commit_msgs(n = 3)
#> #> Running git log --format=%H -n 3
#> #> [[1]]
#> -#> [1] "Tweak README.Rmd" ""
#> +#> [1] "Update DESCRIPTION with tidytemplate Needs" ""
#> #> attr(,"sha")
#> -#> [1] "90eaa95"
#> +#> [1] "d6cbbb9"
#> #> attr(,"author")
#> #> [1] "stu.g.field@gmail.com"
#> #>
#> #> [[2]]
#> -#> [1] "Minor clean up of hooks" ""
#> +#> [1] "New pkgdown tidy theme and bootstrap 5" ""
#> #> attr(,"sha")
#> -#> [1] "b51b8a9"
#> +#> [1] "0ae6d0c"
#> #> attr(,"author")
#> #> [1] "stu.g.field@gmail.com"
#> #>
#> #> [[3]]
#> -#> [1] "Re-build README.Rmd" ""
#> +#> [1] "Improve GHA triggers" ""
#> #> attr(,"sha")
#> -#> [1] "8a015b2"
#> +#> [1] "9d669f2"
#> #> attr(,"author")
#> -#> [1] "stufield@users.noreply.github.com"
#> +#> [1] "stu.g.field@gmail.com"
#> ```
#> ``` r
#> glog(5)
#> #> Running git log --oneline --graph --decorate -n 5
#> -#> * 90eaa95 (HEAD -> main, origin/main) Tweak README.Rmd
#> -#> * b51b8a9 Minor clean up of hooks
#> -#> * 8a015b2 Re-build README.Rmd
#> -#> * 06ee33e Minor tweak to trim_sha() and export is_sha()
#> -#> * e2789f3 Tweak DESCRIPTION and README.Rmd pkg descriptions
#> +#> * d6cbbb9 (HEAD -> main, origin/main, origin/HEAD) Update DESCRIPTION with tidytemplate Needs
#> +#> * 0ae6d0c New pkgdown tidy theme and bootstrap 5
#> +#> * 9d669f2 Improve GHA triggers
#> +#> * 179896e fix test-coverage.yaml to upload to Codecov
#> +#> * 0d17278 correct .gitignore
#> ```
#> ``` r
#> git_diffcommits()
#> #> Running git diff HEAD~2..HEAD~1
#> -#> diff --git a/inst/hooks/pre-commit b/inst/hooks/pre-commit
#> -#> index 44593b7..3648cac 100755
#> -#> --- a/inst/hooks/pre-commit
#> -#> +++ b/inst/hooks/pre-commit
#> -#> @@ -12,18 +12,8 @@ if (requireNamespace("spelling", quietly = TRUE) && file.exists("DESCRIPTION"))
#> -#> }
#> -#> }
#> +#> diff --git a/_pkgdown.yml b/_pkgdown.yml
#> +#> index 65a4632..a09b3e3 100644
#> +#> --- a/_pkgdown.yml
#> +#> +++ b/_pkgdown.yml
#> +#> @@ -1,13 +1,20 @@
#> +#> url: https://github.com/stufield/gitr
#> #>
#> -#> -# check .lintr file
#> -#> -#if (git2r::in_repository()) {
#> -#> -# git_status <- git2r::status(staged = FALSE)
#> -#> -# if (any(unlist(git_status) == ".lintr")) {
#> -#> -# stop("Unstaged changes to .lintr file. Stage the .lintr ",
#> -#> -# "file or discard the changes to it. ", call. = FALSE)
#> -#> -# }
#> -#> -#}
#> -#> -
#> -#> -#files <- list.files("R", full.names = TRUE)
#> -#> -
#> -#> # check lints
#> -#> +#files <- list.files("R", full.names = TRUE)
#> -#> #lints <- lapply(files, function(path) {
#> -#> # lints <- somaverse::lintFile(path)
#> -#> # if (length(lints) > 0) {
#> -#> diff --git a/inst/hooks/prepare-commit-msg b/inst/hooks/prepare-commit-msg
#> -#> index 0d6e149..4948d5c 100755
#> -#> --- a/inst/hooks/prepare-commit-msg
#> -#> +++ b/inst/hooks/prepare-commit-msg
#> -#> @@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ SHA1=$3
#> +#> +development:
#> +#> + mode: auto
#> +#> +
#> +#> +authors:
#> +#> + Stu Field:
#> +#> + href: https://github.com/stufield
#> +#> +
#> +#> home:
#> +#> - strip_header: true
#> +#> links:
#> +#> - text: Learn more about me
#> +#> href: https://github.com/stufield
#> #>
#> -#> echo "commit message file:"
#> -#> echo $COMMIT_MSG_FILE
#> -#> -cat $COMMIT_MSG_FILE
#> +#> template:
#> +#> bootstrap: 5
#> +#> + package: tidytemplate
#> +#> bslib:
#> +#> bg: "#202123" # dark theme
#> +#> fg: "#B8BCC2" # dark theme
#> +#> @@ -16,13 +23,6 @@ template:
#> +#> btn-border-radius: 0.25rem
#> +#> base_font: {google: "Roboto"}
#> #>
#> -#> echo "commit message source:"
#> -#> echo $COMMIT_SOURCE
#> +#> -authors:
#> +#> - Stu Field:
#> +#> - href: https://github.com/stufield
#> +#> -
#> +#> -development:
#> +#> - mode: auto
#> +#> -
#> +#> articles:
#> +#> - title: Getting Started
#> +#> navbar: ~
#> ```
#> ``` r
#> @@ -247,44 +254,51 @@ git_recent_tag()
#> git_tag_info()
#> #> tag tag_sha target_sha message author email user
#> #> v0.0.1 v0.0.1 fc7e99a 5e98f89 Release of v0.0.1 Stu Field <stu.g.field@gmail.com> stu.g.field
#> -#> tagdate size path
#> -#> v0.0.1 Wed Feb 15 12:53:58 2023 -0700 148 /Users/runner/work/gitr/gitr/.git
#> +#> tagdate size path
#> +#> v0.0.1 Wed Feb 15 12:53:58 2023 -0700 148 /Users/sfield/gh/gitr/.git
#> ```
#> #### Situation Report
#> ``` r
#> git_sitrep()
#> -#> Using Git version: 2.39.2
#> +#> Using Git version: 2.39.0
#> #>
#> #> Current branch: main
#> #> Default branch: main
#> #>
#> #> Repo status:
#> #> Running git status -s
#> -#>
#> +#> M Makefile
#> +#> M README.Rmd
#> #>
#> #> Branches:
#> #> Running git branch -a
#> +#> force-pkgdown
#> #> * main
#> +#> remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/main
#> +#> remotes/origin/bugfix-get-pr-sha
#> +#> remotes/origin/force-pkgdown
#> #> remotes/origin/gh-pages
#> #> remotes/origin/main
#> #> remotes/origin/prep-for-cran
#> #> remotes/origin/submit-cran
#> +#> remotes/origin/update-pkgdown-new-look
#> #>
#> #> Local status:
#> #> ✓ OK
#> #>
#> #> Upstream remotes: origin
#> -#> * main 90eaa95 [origin/main] Tweak README.Rmd
#> +#> force-pkgdown 72ad53a [origin/force-pkgdown] wip
#> +#> * main d6cbbb9 [origin/main] Update DESCRIPTION with tidytemplate Needs
#> #>
#> #> Commit log: main
#> #> Running git log --oneline --graph --decorate -n 5
#> -#> * 90eaa95 (HEAD -> main, origin/main) Tweak README.Rmd
#> -#> * b51b8a9 Minor clean up of hooks
#> -#> * 8a015b2 Re-build README.Rmd
#> -#> * 06ee33e Minor tweak to trim_sha() and export is_sha()
#> -#> * e2789f3 Tweak DESCRIPTION and README.Rmd pkg descriptions
#> +#> * d6cbbb9 (HEAD -> main, origin/main, origin/HEAD) Update DESCRIPTION with tidytemplate Needs
#> +#> * 0ae6d0c New pkgdown tidy theme and bootstrap 5
#> +#> * 9d669f2 Improve GHA triggers
#> +#> * 179896e fix test-coverage.yaml to upload to Codecov
#> +#> * 0d17278 correct .gitignore
#> ```
#> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> @@ -478,8 +492,3 @@ See also [Oh-My-Zsh](https://ohmyz.sh) for general installation.
#> Please note that this package package is released with a
#> [LICENSE](https://github.com/stufield/gitr/blob/main/LICENSE.md). By
#> using in this package you agree to abide by its terms.
#> -
#> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> -
#> -Created by [Rmarkdown](https://github.com/rstudio/rmarkdown) (v2.20) and
#> -R version 4.2.2 (2022-10-31).
#> diff --git a/vignettes/gitr.Rmd b/vignettes/gitr.Rmd
#> index 4238b82..c7a1b09 100644
#> --- a/vignettes/gitr.Rmd
#> +++ b/vignettes/gitr.Rmd
#> @@ -61,7 +61,3 @@ In the meantime please see the package [README](https://github.com/stufield/gitr
#> - [https://choosealicense.com/licenses/mit/](https://choosealicense.com/licenses/mit/)
#> - [https://tldrlegal.com/license/mit-license/](https://tldrlegal.com/license/mit-license)
#> ----------------------
#> -
#> -Created by [Rmarkdown](https://github.com/rstudio/rmarkdown)
#> -(v`r utils::packageVersion("rmarkdown")`) and `r R.version$version.string`.
#> Running git tag -n
#> [1] "v0.0.1"
#> tag tag_sha target_sha message author email user
#> v0.0.1 v0.0.1 fc7e99a 5e98f89 Release of v0.0.1 Stu Field <stu.g.field@gmail.com> stu.g.field
#> tagdate size path
#> v0.0.1 Wed Feb 15 12:53:58 2023 -0700 148 /Users/sfield/gh/gitr/.git
Situation Report
#> Using Git version: 2.39.0
#> Current branch: main
#> Default branch: main
#> Repo status:
#> Running git status -s
#> Branches:
#> Running git branch -a
#> * main
#> remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/main
#> remotes/origin/bugfix-get-pr-sha
#> remotes/origin/gh-pages
#> remotes/origin/main
#> remotes/origin/pkgdown-update
#> remotes/origin/prep-for-cran
#> remotes/origin/submit-cran
#> remotes/origin/update-pkgdown-new-look
#> Local status:
#> ✓ OK
#> Upstream remotes: origin
#> * main dbca034 [origin/main] Re-build README.Rmd
#> Commit log: main
#> Running git log --oneline --graph --decorate -n 5
#> * dbca034 (HEAD -> main, origin/main, origin/HEAD) Re-build README.Rmd
#> * 185ebb6 Remove rmarkdown footer for README and vignette
#> * d6cbbb9 Update DESCRIPTION with tidytemplate Needs
#> * 0ae6d0c New pkgdown tidy theme and bootstrap 5
#> * 9d669f2 Improve GHA triggers
ZSH-aliases available in gitr
alias | git command |
ga() |
git add |
gst() |
git status |
gss() |
git status -s |
gau() |
git add -u |
gaa() |
git add --all |
gb() |
git branch |
gba() |
git branch -a |
gbd() |
git branch -d/-D |
gdf() |
git diff <file> |
gbnm() |
git branch --no-merged |
gbmm() |
git branch --merged |
gbr() |
git branch --remote |
gac() , gcn
git commit --no-verify --no-edit --amend |
gcc() |
git commit |
gco() |
git checkout |
gcb() |
git checkout -b |
gcm() |
git checkout git_default_br() |
gcf() |
git config --list |
gnuke() |
git reset --hard && git clean -dfx |
gcmsg() |
git commit -m |
gp() |
git push |
gpu() |
git push -u |
gpd() |
git push --dry-run |
gpf() |
git push --force-with-lease |
gpr() |
git pull --rebase --autostash -v |
glog() |
git log --oneline --decorate --graph |
gwip() |
git add -u && commit --no-verify -m "wip" |
gclean() |
git clean -f -d |
grm() |
git rm |
grmc() |
git rm --cached |
gsta() |
git stash |
gstl() |
git stash list |
gpop() ,gstp()
git stash pop |
gstaa() |
git stash apply |
gstd() |
git stash drop |
gstc() |
git stash clear |
gsts() |
git stash show --text |
gtn() |
git tag -n |
grba() |
git rebase --abort |
grbc() |
git rebase --continue |
grbs() |
git rebase --skip |
grbm() |
git rebase git_default_br() |
grv() |
git remote -v |
Full list of ZSH-aliases
For general reference, here is a list of the available aliases via the git-plugin
from Oh-My-Zsh.
See also Oh-My-Zsh for general installation.
alias | git command |
gapa |
git add --patch |
gav |
git add --verbose |
gloga |
git log --oneline --decorate --graph --all |
gup |
git pull --rebase |
gupv |
git pull --rebase -v |
gupa |
git pull --rebase --autostash |
gupav |
git pull --rebase --autostash -v |
gap |
git apply |
gapt |
git apply --3way |
gbda |
git branch --no-color --merged | command grep -vE ^([+*]|\s*($(git_main_branch)|$(git_develop_branch))\s*$) | command xargs git branch -d 2>/dev/null |
gbl |
git blame -b -w |
gbs |
git bisect |
gbsb |
git bisect bad |
gbsg |
git bisect good |
gbsr |
git bisect reset |
gbss |
git bisect start |
gca |
git commit -v -a |
gca! |
git commit -v -a --amend |
gcan! |
git commit -v -a --no-edit --amend |
gcans! |
git commit -v -a -s --no-edit --amend |
gcam |
git commit -a -m |
gcsm |
git commit -s -m |
gcas |
git commit -a -s |
gcasm |
git commit -a -s -m |
gcl |
git clone --recurse-submodules |
gcor |
git checkout --recurse-submodules |
gcd |
git checkout $(git_develop_branch) |
gcount |
git shortlog -sn |
gcp |
git cherry-pick |
gcpa |
git cherry-pick --abort |
gcpc |
git cherry-pick --continue |
gcs |
git commit -S |
gcss |
git commit -S -s |
gcssm |
git commit -S -s -m |
gdca |
git diff --cached |
gdcw |
git diff --cached --word-diff |
gdct |
git describe --tags \$(git rev-list --tags --max-count=1) |
gds |
git diff --staged |
gdt |
git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r |
gdup |
git diff @{upstream} |
gdw |
git diff --word-diff |
gf |
git fetch |
gfo |
git fetch origin |
gfg |
git ls-files \| grep |
gg |
git gui citool |
gga |
git gui citool --amend |
ggpur |
ggu |
ggpull |
git pull origin \$(git_current_branch) |
ggpush |
git push origin \$(git_current_branch) |
ggsup |
git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/$(git_current_branch) |
gpsup |
git push --set-upstream origin \$(git_current_branch) |
ghh |
git help |
gignore |
git update-index --assume-unchanged |
gignored |
git ls-files -v | grep "^[[:lower:]]" |
git-svn-dcommit-push |
git svn dcommit && git push github \$(git_main_branch):svntrunk |
gl |
git pull |
glg |
git log --stat |
glgp |
git log --stat -p |
glgg |
git log --graph |
glgga |
git log --graph --decorate --all |
glgm |
git log --graph --max-count=10 |
glo |
git log --oneline --decorate |
glol |
git log --graph --pretty |
glols="git log --graph --pretty |
%Cred%h%Creset -%C(auto)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%ar) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --stat" |
glod="git log --graph --pretty |
%Cred%h%Creset -%C(auto)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%ad) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset'" |
glods="git log --graph --pretty |
%Cred%h%Creset -%C(auto)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%ad) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --date=short" |
glola="git log --graph --pretty |
%Cred%h%Creset -%C(auto)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%ar) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --all" |
gm |
git merge |
gmom |
git merge origin/$(git_main_branch) |
gmtl |
git mergetool --no-prompt |
gmtlvim |
git mergetool --no-prompt --tool=vimdiff |
gmum |
git merge upstream/\$(git_main_branch) |
gma |
git merge --abort |
gpf! |
git push --force |
gpoat |
git push origin --all && git push origin --tags |
gpv |
git push -v |
gr |
git remote |
gra |
git remote add |
grb |
git rebase |
grbd |
git rebase \$(git_develop_branch) |
grbi |
git rebase -i |
grbo |
git rebase --onto |
grev |
git revert |
grh |
git reset |
grhh |
git reset --hard |
groh |
git reset origin/\$(git_current_branch) --hard |
grmv |
git remote rename |
grrm |
git remote remove |
grs |
git restore |
grset |
git remote set-url |
grss |
git restore --source |
grst |
git restore --staged |
grt |
cd \$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel \|\| echo .) |
gru |
git reset -- |
grup |
git remote update |
gsb |
git status -sb |
gsd |
git svn dcommit |
gsh |
git show |
gsi |
git submodule init |
gsps |
git show --pretty=short --show-signature |
gsr |
git svn rebase |
gstu |
gsta --include-untracked |
gstall |
git stash --all |
gsu |
git submodule update |
gsw |
git switch |
gswc |
git switch -c |
gswm |
git switch $(git_main_branch) |
gswd |
git switch $(git_develop_branch) |
gts |
git tag -s |
gtv |
git tag | sort -V |
gtl |
gtl(){ git tag --sort=-v:refname -n -l ${1}* }; noglob gtl |
gunignore |
git update-index --no-assume-unchanged |
gunwip |
git log -n 1 | grep -q -c "\-\-wip\-\-" && git reset HEAD~1 |
glum |
git pull upstream \$(git_main_branch) |
gwch |
git whatchanged -p --abbrev-commit --pretty=medium |
gam |
git am |
gamc |
git am --continue |
gams |
git am --skip |
gama |
git am --abort |
gamscp |
git am --show-current-patch |
Please note that this package is released with a LICENSE. By using in this package you agree to abide by its terms.